Monday, April 15, 2013

Welcome to Twitterland, Mr. Presindent

THREE WEEKS ago (Apr,25,2013) my Editing Class lecturer - Mr. Ruswan Dalyono - assigned me to write an article. But I started working on my article THREE DAYS ago *not good. Well, to be fair with myself, I wanted to write article with a hot-on-going-topic. Three weeks ago topic must have been cold today, rite? of course!

I was surfing on the internet, my intention was to find ideas for my article, but I ended up on Twitter *cliche. Hey! it wasn't a bad idea, you know. Because I found the idea on Twitter *believe me* That doesn't mean I suggest you to surf on Twitter or Facebook while working on your paper tho. Haha! I was bored and hitting the refresh button repeatedly when I saw a lot of people tweeting about Mr. President's Twitter account.

So I thought, why don't I make it my topic? Since I don't have another option, I decided to write an article about it. With LOTS of efforts and perspiration, My 405 words article is finished later on Sunday >_< Here is the article I made:

"Welcome to Twitter, Mr. President"

Twitter is a social media uses by teenagers and adults nowadays. It is a kind of micro blogging and broadcasting, where you can post stories of 140 characters or pictures on the internet. Different kind of feeling, thought and picture are posted, familiarly known as ‘tweet’, to the world. With a maximum of 140 characters pre-post, the tweets are so easy to read and scan-friendly. That is why people can spend hours and hours reading interesting tweets, especially from interesting people like celebrities or public figure.

Talking about public figure, on March 27th 2013, Mr. Susilo Bambang Yodhoyono created his first Twitter account. His account later verified by the official of Twitter. To make people believe that this is Mr. President’s real account, a message was written in the profile; said that tweet(s) from Mr. President signed *SBY*.

“Akun Resmi Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Dikelola oleh Staf Khusus Presiden Republik Indonesia. Twit dari Presiden ditandai *SBY* (”

A lot of people then tweeted and commented about Mr. President’s twitter account. Welcoming and greeting him on Twitterland. Some people also wish him luck, health and better means of communication. They are so happy that now they are able to know his activities and perspective toward problems or events in Indonesia.

However, there are also some people who think different. That Mr. Yudhoyono has a twitter account does not do any good to him and to other people. For example, it makes people are able to mock or make fun of Mr. President on twitter now. There are indeed a great number of tweets saying bad thing or making fun of Mr. President. It was such a fuss.

Mr. President himself sees twitter as a tool to get to know Indonesian people better. In his first tweet, he greeted Indonesian and said that he joined twitter in order to share point of view and inspiration.

“Halo Indonesia. Saya bergabung ke dunia twitter untuk ikut berbagi sapa, pandangan dan inspirasi. Salam kenal. *SBY* (”
Later, he started tweeting about his perspective and also sharing pictures of him and the family. Other public figures are also exchanging tweet with Mr. President.

Up until today (April, 15th 2013), Mr. President has already had 646,340 followers and followed 9 people. The nine accounts he followed are his family, the Vice President of Indonesia and three journalists, chosen by a lucky draw in the twitter launch day. ---

Wasn't a very good article, rite? *I know, I know. The article are supposed to be submitted today at 7 AM but Mr. Ruswan couldn't attend the class that day and so the article will be checked next week *buuu. I actually was so excited about my Lecturer's respond, but I think I'll just wait until next week and hope he likes my article :3

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