Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Hotel Cinema

I went to The Cinema last Monday night with a friend of mine. We were pretty tired that day but still we decided to visit this mall and enjoy a movie to let off the steam. When we got there, we were a bit confused of what to watch *as always. But then, we agreed on watching a certain movie, bought the tickets and some snacks and we got into the theater room. It was not very crowded, but not that empty as well, just the usual it's-a-crazy-Monday-let's-watch-a-movie like. The seats to my right were all seated, but there were an empty seat to my left and a couple sat at the last two seats on the row. And then the movie began.

The movie is not the concern of this writing, it is the situation and the people on the cinema. What are you going to cinema for? Who are you going to the cinema with? What genres of movie do you enjoy? Do you think about those question before you go to a cinema or whatever is fine by you as long as you got to watch a movie that day? As of me, I go to the cinema to watch a movie, I don't mind going with anyone and I enjoy a young adult-sci-fi-action-themed movie the most. Why I am asking this question? Because what I am going to say next is related to those question.

When you read my first question you'd probably think "of course everyone goes to the cinema to watch a movie", rite?. But guess what? it is not! I believe so too until last night I came to realize the other reason that makes people going to the cinema. 'Twas the couple to my left that made me come to this realization. They are as adorable as a couple with a couple T-Shirts could be.

What I could see from them is that they went to the cinema just to have something to do together, just to spend some time together. I say this because they don't seem to care about the movie. They din't pay attention, didn't get the emotional mayhem, didn't cry, laugh or anything. All they did during the whole movie was talking really slowly, playing with their phone, watch the movie a little bit and talk again. The talking might not be so annoying since they were basically whispering *I was quite convinced that they also did sign language* but the comment afterward are. Like "lol the movie is confusing/boring/bad" or such comment like "WTF? I did't get the movie"

I understand that you can do whatever you wish to, and that spending time together is what you want to do when you are with you lover. Especially if you both are busy and don't have much time to spend. And of course it's not wrong to not pay attention to the movie. It is just that I pity them because the missed the point of going to the cinema. You pay for a movie and you didn't get anything, didn't learn anything and didn't feel anything. That's just pitiful. You've missed all the good things. If you just want to talk with your lover then go to a caffee and have quality meal and time together.

The money you spent on a movie you didn't watch could be used for something else. For a nice surprise or a nice pizza *they both work wonders* You can just simply go the park, they are even free. So why do have the need to go the cinema anyway? If you do this I would assume that you're just immature, not creative lover. Pitiful.

Monday, October 27, 2014

LINE Dictionary Review

Udah tau belum ada app baru dari Naver? Itu loh company yang punya LINE Messenger. I believe you are all familiar with app ;) Anyway, I am not going to talk about LINE now, because I have something else to say. LINE itu sekarang punya app baru yaitu LINE DICTIONARY. Gak percaya? Liat aja disini. bisa langsung download kok ;) http://linedict.naver.com/about

You can read everything about this app in the link above, but in case you'd rather read my blog instead, (which flatters me, by the way :p) I'll tell you a bit about it. LINE Dictionary, like the name suggests, is an offline dictionary app. Bisa digunakan untuk bahasa Indonesia-Inggris, Inggris-Indonesia dan juga bahasa Mandarin! Hebatnya, aplikasi ini gak cuma sekedar mengartikan, tapi juga menyediakan banyak contoh penggunaan kata. The examples are both in English and Indonesia, and believe me when I say that the examples are very helpful. Banyaknya contoh itu membuat kita lebih memahami bagaimana penggunaan kosa kata didalam kalimat. Kita juga bisa mendengarkan cara pengucapan kosa kata tersebut. Biar gak salah gitu ngomongnyaa. Hhihi

Gak cuma itu loh, LINE Dictionary juga bisa membantu kamu menerjemaaaah. Isn't it just great?! Jadi kamu gak cuma bisa menerjemah perkosakata, tapi juga perkalimaaaattt!!! Keren banget gak sih? Jadi kamu gak perlu dua aplikasi untuk kamus dan terjemahan, cukup satu LINE Dictionary. It's gonna save a lot of space in your phone's memory card ;)

Terus nih ya, LINE Dictionary juga menyediakan Daily Quote dan Expression. Not only that those two can motivate you but also can help you learn English. Why? Because again, both the quote and expression are available in English and Bahasa. Jadi kamu gak akan sedih lagi karena baca quote yang ada di internet tapi gak tau artinya :'(

Masih gak percaya juga? Makanya buruan download applikasinya and feel it for yourself! ;)

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

YouTube Rewind: What Does 2013 Say?

I just watched this video on Youtube. This video is awesome, it really is. I love watching lot of Youtubers (some are my favorites >_<) doing a project together. I wish they do this more often in the future. God, this video really is wonderful. My favorite part is Dove's ad, "You're more beautiful than you think" goat version. Yes, it is a GOAT version. LOL! Anyway, this video is really recommended and worth watching :D

Annoying Google

Whoever controls the media, controls the mind - Jim Morrison

What really grinds my gear lately is GOOGLE. Google has been behaving so annoying these days, has it not? I know that most people would go to Google for help. I do that myself too. Am I complaining about that? No, I am not. Google is very informative and helpful and I am thankful for that. Is it a problem that Google has a lot of apps and is everywhere? Well, that is not my main problem here. My problem is, the way Google force internet user to use them. The way they behaving so arrogantly and so very powerful.

Even charming Mr. Morrison also believe that "whoever controls the media, controls the mind" and guess what? Google is sooooooo trying to control the media. It was last year, or probably last two year *since it is a new year* when I tried to log in into my Youtube account I was rather confused because of the new setting. The new setting did not allow me to log in using my Yahoo email account, but I had to have Gmail or GOOGLE MAIL account in order to be able to log in. I was force at that exact time to make a Gmail account.

Some people might say that it is possible to still use Yahoo account or that Google did not force the user to do that but just suggesting that we should log in using Gmail account or whatever! The fact is that I was confused, I followed the instruction in which I ended up having a new Gmail account. I did READ the instruction, and follow them CAREFULLY. And at that moment, I did not mind having to make a new account. I did not, really.

But last year, Google stated to acting up again. It was when they FORCE Youtubers to connect their Youtube account with Google+ and whatever they post in Youtube will also appear in Google+. There was quite a fuss about it. A lot of people got mad because of this new setting, some people complained but there were also people who did not even care about it, and I was one of them. I like surfing on Youtube, but if being a Youtuber means that I have to be active, post comment and videos regularly, then I am not a Youtuber, I am just a Youtube user. Because I love watching videos in Youtube and read the comment, but I post no videos nor comment. I was simply an observer.

I also have nothing against Google+. I don't use them, simply because I feel I have enough social media accounts already. And since I don't really have that much friend using this app I just ignore it. I do have an account, but I didn't make it deliberately. I think, when you have a Google account, you will automatically have a Google+ account as well, *Oh the force

I believe this thing between Youtube and Google+ is a trick used by Google to make people use this app more. But as I said before. I don't care about that. As long as I can still watch Youtube Videos then it is fine. That's that. But somehow, the rebellious side of me just want to break loose from all of this Google thing. Sometimes I feel like "What if I don't want to change my email? what if I don't want to connect it to Google+, you mad, pussy?" The worst is that Google answers it as if it says No, I am not mad, but if you don't do that, you just won't get the access to EVERYTHING on the internet" Dafuq, rite? so annoying!

So, be prepare and aware, cat is not the only thing that wants to take over the world, because Google is also trying to do the same. It is everywhere, in your phone, android device, and even in your Firefox browser, in which it appears to suggest that you should download Google Chrome. Because it is faster, easier and blah, blah, blah! Google is controlling the Internet = controlling the media = controlling our mind *wow, it escalated quickly* Just beware, don't leat it get the best of you. Hhaha!!

Here is a picture of Google, with it's eyes watching you.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Celebrating New Year Eve

It's probably too late to talk about new year eve. It is already January 25. But, after I recover my blog *I could not open it for quite some times* this is the first topic I would like to write. This topic brings me all the way back to December 31 last year, when my friends and I were planning on our new year eve party. The three of us, were sitting in a couch, thinking "what should we do?"

Last year, my friend and I spend our new year eve in my boarding house. We cooked some meals and ate them together. The food was delicious and we were having so much fun. We were watching the fireworks from the streets. There were a lot of fireworks, beautiful fireworks. And I took some pictures using my phone.

Here is the picture of the meals we cooked :D

So, this year we planned on doing something different. We would like to have a memorable night, some interesting event different from last year. So, we decided to dine in a mall and spend the new year eve there. We went to the mall early to avoid traffic jam. When we arrived, we went to a restaurant and started eating. After that, we were just walking around when I notice something. The place was rather quite, not many people were there. I was questioning why, this mall is usually so crowded with people in every events, so why not today? So, I decided to asked the security.

To our surprise, the security staff said that there would be no new year celebration here, because the mall was currently under some renovation. Such a heart breaking news! I was so sad, I wanted to do something, I wanted to spent the new year eve happily with my friends, it that too much to ask?

At this point, we had nothing to do, so we decided to stay, hoping that we can see the fireworks from the mall. I was so shocked when the restaurant where we were spending our time kicked us out because they were closing. I was like "this is freaking new year eve, can't you open up longer?"

I was mad so i asked my friends to go home instead. With the thought of this night could not get any worse, I turned my laptop on and took it to the living room, when my friends were waiting. We were just watching some Youtube videos and surfing on the internet when suddenly I heard a loud murmur from the crowd outside. It was my neighborhood, so I decided to join. There were also my flatmates there. We were chatting and greeting each other.

The counting started, the fireworks launched. Some jokes cracked, and some laughs heard. I started to think that probably it was not so bad, spending the new year eve this way. Well, at least I got to know more of my neighbors, and made some new friends. I was mesmerized by the fireworks, when one of my flatmates asked my why did not I take any pictures. I simply said I had a lot of fireworks picture from the last new year eve celebration.

I was startled from what I said. Yes, I did have a lot of fireworks picture in my phone. They were not much different from the fireworks I was seeing at that time. Nothing's changed. This thought escalated really quickly, until I was in a deep thought of what has changed and has not changed. I glanced at my friend, this has not changed, there were pictures in my head, about my friend and I spending time together, laughing and talking nonsense. I love it, I love our togetherness, it is priceless.

Then I realized, it was not the place, or the meals that made an event memorable. It was the people. It was my friends, who were laughing beside me, that made me feel that this night was not so bad. It was my friends that made me realized that we can be anywhere, doing anything, but as long as we were together, we will definitely be happy. After 7 years together, I just realized it that time. Perhaps, because I was taking it for granted. I was so stupid. For having such precious friends, it is something to be thankful of, is it not? :)